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Returns & Refunds

At Marvo we take great care to ensure the quality of the items we supply. Before shipping, each item undergoes thorough testing and is meticulously packed, often using anti-static bags or wrapping for added protection.

General Returns

If you do not contact us within 14 days of delivery to report any issues with the items you've received, we will assume that you have received them in perfect working condition and without any problems.

In the event that you need to return an item for any reason, please notify us within 14 days of delivery. You then have a further 14 days to return the item, complete with all packaging and documentation, for assessment and inspection.

If you wish to return an item for a reason other than those stated below, you must inform us in writing within 14 days of receiving the item. You then have a further 14 days to return the item in its original condition and packaging.

A 35% restocking fee may apply.

Authorising Returns

Within 14 days of placing an order, and prior to the order leaving our warehouse, any request to cancel the order will be approved for a full refund.

Once your order has been shipped, a customer can request to return the item for any reason within 14 days of receiving the item. For these terms to apply the item must meet the condition of the original sale. Under these circumstances, the customer will assume responsibility for any costs incurred to return the item.

If an order is received by the customer which does not conform to the conditions of the original sale, Marvo will assume responsibility for any costs incurred to return the item.

The time it takes to process a refund may vary depending on the original payment method chosen by the customer. For more information, get in touch with a member of the Marvo team.

Circumstances in which a return may be requested include, but are not limited to:

  1. Wrong part number orderred
  2. Wrong part number delivered
  3. Wrong condition delivered
  4. Change of mind
  5. Damaged on arrival
  6. Late delivery
  7. Faulty part

Abandoned Items

If a customer refuses or is unable to accept delivery of a package sent to the address provided by the customer, Marvo will consider the property abandoned after 14 days and may charge the customer Marvo’s reasonable expenses incurred due to such refusal or inability to accept delivery. Upon placing an order with Marvo, the customer assumes responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of all associated data necessary for the fulfilment of the order.

This returns policy excludes software and specially manufactured products