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La pièce intelligente

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Should you be investing in artificial intelligence?

Par Marvo

Just a few years back, investing in AI only existed in the realm of science fiction. It was a futuristic technology that could be found solely in books or in Hollywood films. Fast forward to todays world and AI is rapidly becoming an integral part of our daily lives. It is reshaping how we work, communicate and solve complex problems.

4 min de lecture décembre 13, 2024
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La technologie progresse rapidement, transformant l'industrie de manière inédite. Les professionnels ont besoin d'un lieu pour des analyses concises et des ressources précieuses. C'est The Smart Part.

Reduce downtime in manufacturing and increase and profitability with advanced analytics solutions.

How to reduce downtime in manufacturing with analytics


Analytics are a game changer when it comes to reducing downtime in manufacturing. They have the ability to reduce the length of unplanned outages, increase the lifespan of machines, and offer cost savings. Recent developments in the Internet of Things (IoT), big data, and machine learning are now coming together to enhance the abilities of these systems. This integration has led to great strides in tracking the deterioration of production equipment.

4 min de lecture août 15, 2024
 Discover the benefits of predictive maintenance and ensure optimal equipment performance.

The benefits of predictive maintenance


When it comes to equipment maintenance, reactive maintenance is not only costly but also messy and rarely fun. You need to get someone to diagnose the fault, get the parts, and implement a rapid solution to get the faulty equipment back online. Whether using internal or external resources to get the job done, this is rarely an efficient process.

4 min de lecture août 2, 2024
Travaillez plus intelligemment

Que vous soyez un vétéran expérimenté ou un nouveau venu enthousiaste dans l'industrie manufacturière, nous voulons tous travailler plus intelligemment, pas plus dur. Équipez-vous des outils dont vous avez besoin pour ouvrir la voie à une nouvelle ère de fabrication.

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