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How many manufacturers (OEMs) do you stock?

We currently stock over 103751 products from more than 114 manufacturers in a variety of conditions. Marvo has an extensive stock, making it fast and easy to find the parts you need from the world’s leading manufacturers such as Siemens, Mitsubishi, ABB and more.

For a full catalogue of manufacturers listed on Marvo, click here.

No more waiting around for quotes and phone calls. Cut out the go-between, search for a part number and make your purchase is just a few simple steps. Finding your part and getting back up and running has never been easier than with Marvo.

If the product you need is showing as not in stock or has recently sold out, please revisit us in a few days as we will most likely have replenished our stock levels by then.

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Peace of mind with every purchase


Lightning-Fast Express Shipping: Receive your order in record time with our express shipping options, ensuring you minimize downtime and keep your projects on track.


No-Risk Returns, Guaranteed: Return your parts anytime for a full refund. Our hassle-free return policy ensures you’re never stuck with something you don’t need.


Clear Pricing with No Hidden Fees: What you see is what you pay, transparent pricing with no extra costs, ever. Rest assured, all taxes and fees are already included in your final price.


Rock-Solid Reliability at a Fraction of the Cost: Get pre-owned electronic parts that are fully tested for peak performance, saving you money without compromising on quality, backed by a comprehensive warranty.